Healthy Breadcrumbs

Ever notice how pretty much all of the breadcrumbs for sale at traditional grocery stores have bad-for-you ingredients like high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils? Occasionally, I find myself at the store with breadcrumbs on my shopping list to make a yummy casserole or spinach loaf (hey, it’s okay to splurge sometimes!). I always read the ingredient labels in disbelief, I guess hoping that they have made a change and removed the bad stuff! Admitting defeat, I usually grab the crumbs with a frown on my face and proceed to cook with them.

Crushed Wasa Crispbread for Breadcrumbs

Crushed Wasa Crispbread for Breadcrumbs!

Fortunately, I discovered a great substitute while making some impromptu homemade macaroni and cheese. The recipe called for breadcrumbs sprinkled on top near the end of baking, but I didn’t have any. That step sounded way too good to leave out. What to do? I scoured my pantry, hoping I might find some. I noticed some Wasa crispbread which I love, and wondered if I it would be a good substitute. What a discovery! I crushed a couple of “Hearty” variety Wasa crispbread to bits inside a zipper sandwich bag and topped the mac & cheese with them the last 10 minutes of baking. They were amazing and so much better than any breadcrumbs I had before.

I would imagine the whole grain, multi-grain and sourdough varieties would also make great breadcrumbs. So give it a try next time you are making a recipe that calls for breadcrumbs. Simply break a slice of crispbread into small pieces, place them in a zipper bag, and crush with the bottom of a glass or jar.

For more of my food tips and simple recipes, follow ShakeASnack on Twitter!

A Chocaholic Solution: Choosing the Right Bar

Wall of Chocolate bars
Photo Courtesy of Janek Mann

I admit it, I am a chocaholic; I must have chocolate everyday. While research has shown that chocolate has health benefits, such as lowered cholesterol and blood pressure, we all know it should be eaten in moderation. Otherwise the negative impacts squash the benefits, since chocolate is also high in calories and fat.

In my opinion, one of the major challenges for chocaholics is resisting the temptation to eat more chocolate than they should when it’s sitting in a cabinet (or even worse, in a jar on a table) in their home or office. A perfect example is a bag of Hershey’s kisses. There is no way I could ever have that in my house. I would eat it within a day or two, three at most. That’s a surefire way to add on pounds.

Some people say that placing each reasonable serving of chocolate in a storage bag, freezing chocolate, or hiding it may help people resist the urge to overindulge. This has never worked for me. If I buy a lot of chocolate on sale, or buy large bars of gourmet chocolate, I wind up eating way more than I should.

But the good news is, I have found a solution that works for me, and I hope it works for you. I discovered that there are certain types of chocolate that I can resist. I can eat less than one ounce, sometimes even less than a half-ounce, and satisfy my daily chocolate craving. It must be chocolate with very little sugar and high cocoa content, which rules out regular candy bars and bagged chocolate. The one that always works for me Lindt Excellence 90%; two squares is .7 oz and only 110 calories, and sometimes I am fine with only having one square. I have consistently been able to limit myself to at most two squares enough times to say it works for me.

I’ve also learned the hard way that calorie content does not matter if you will only be eating a small amount. Choosing the right chocolate, one that you will be able to resist, is the crucial element. For example, once a store was out of the Lindt Excellence 90%, and I had to choose something else. Of course I read all of the nutritional information, and noticed that some of the sweeter bars actually contained fewer calories. A perfect example is Lindt Excellence A Touch of Sea Salt, which in the past had been very dangerous for me. Even though 2 squares contains only 95 calories, I couldn’t control myself around this chocolate. But I had been so successful with the 90%, I was convinced I could limit myself to 2 squares.  So I chose the lower calorie sea salt chocolate instead of the 85% or 70% bars that were also available. Huge mistake! While my intentions were good, to save that 15 calories when I ate two squares, I wound up eating pretty much the entire bar. This also happened with the 50% bar, although I don’t think I ate as much. A better choice in the future would be 85% or 70%.

So the best thing to do is experiment with different chocolates and see which ones do not make you crave more and more. I’d recommend the darks with very little sugar and high cocoa content, but if something sweeter works for you, go for it (I envy you). When you find a good one, stick with it! Don’t be fooled like I was – when they are out of your chocolate, buy the one that most closely resembles it (check ingredients), and you should be able to stick to 2 squares, or whatever your limit is.

Here’s to daily chocolate without guilt, weight gain, or mad sugar rushes!

I’d love to hear if this or other techniques have worked for you in the comments.

I am not affiliated with Lindt Chocolate.

P.S. – In creating this post, I discovered there are two acceptable spellings for “people who are fond of eating chocolate” – chocaholic and chocoholic!

Healthy 3-Ingredient Recipe App Free Through Dec. 12

If you’re like me, you’re still feeling a bit heavier than usual after this past weekend’s Thanksgiving festivities. While the turkey, stuffing, amazing casseroles and pies are mouth-watering, this week brings on many a best intention to shed a few pounds. With that in mind, I decided to offer my Shake a Snack app free now through Dec. 12th to help iPhone and iPod touch users shed some of that holiday weight, and get on track for healthy eating around the holidays.

Shake a Snack is a virtual food slot machine full of tasty ingredients. Just shake your iPhone or iPod touch to get the reels spinning, then watch them land on one of over 200 tasty, creative 3-ingredient snack and mini-meal recipes. You can lock in ingredients you have on hand or filter out those you don’t like.

Shake a Snack has received great reviews on and 148apps, and is currently in the ‘Top Paid’ free apps and ‘What’s Hot’ in the Healthcare & Fitness category on iTunes. It was also selected as ‘App of the Week’ by Dallas-Fort Worth CW station KDAF-TV.t.

Find out more about Shake a Snack here, or go straight to iTunes and download it now, for free until Dec. 12th.

Shake a Snack App by JuggleFit

Shake a Snack for iPhone & iPod touch

ShakeASnack Is New & Noteworthy on App Store

Today, the ShakeASnack app I developed for iPhone and iPod touch was selected as New & Noteworthy under Healthcare & Fitness in the App Store.  This is very exciting! I found myself checking the listings constantly to savor the image of my app being displayed. It was at #3 when I first saw it, and of course I had to take a screenshot. It’s the 3rd one from the left on the top screen images, looks like a mini-slot machine:

Shake-A-Snack App Selected as New & Noteworthy in App Store

Shake-A-Snack App New & Noteworthy in App Store

I had so much fun creating this app, and I grew to absolutely love the little food icons. It was surreal to see a sprig of dill in a ‘slot machine’ reel. The idea for the app grew out of my love of juggling and wanting to tie the app into my business, JuggleFit. I teach people to juggle three balls or scarves, so why not share with them combinations of 3 ingredients they can ‘juggle’ or shake to find a healthy snack?

I hope the app will get people on the right track to healthy eating, especially before and after the holidays.

I’d love to hear your 3-ingredient snack ideas. Post them here and I may add them to a future release of ShakeASnack. Everyone needs to know about all of the tasty and healthy snack options available!

If you don’t have ShakeASnack yet, you can get it here on iTunes:

There is also a video demo and info page on the JuggleFit site:

Shake a Snack for iPhone® & iPod® touch

Healthy 3-Ingredient Snacks Coming in New iPhone App

I’m very excited about the upcoming release of JuggleFit’s ShakeASnack app for iPhone and iPod touch. It will be available in the App Store on November 9th.

Shake-A-Snack App

Shake-A-Snack App

I’ve always been big on easy, no- cook, satisfying  mini-meals because I think it’s the perfect way to fuel your body. It makes sense to me that feeling stuffed means I ate too much, and feeling hungry means I’m not providing fuel for my body at the proper intervals. My eating credo is to never feel stuffed and never feel hungry. Of course, I stray from that, but it’s certainly easy to come back to with plenty of 3-ingredient recipes I’ve created or discovered.

The idea for ShakeASnack ties in with my love of portable snacking. I always carry a cooler in the car filled with ‘normal’ snacks like Wasa crackers or dried plums, as well as 3-ingredient snacks like bean salad or hummus with radishes and mushrooms for dipping. Some people think it’s weird that I carry so much food around, but it’s not difficult to do and it prevents me from grabbing unhealthy snacks or spending a lot of money eating out when my body just needs food/fuel.

While I don’t eat fast food, I know many often hit the drive-thru because they are hungry and need a quick, affordable meal. But what if they started carrying a cooler around with mini-meals they actually liked? I imagine they would feel so much better after grabbing food from their cooler than after eating fast food.

My hope is that ShakeASnack will help people choose healthy ingredients and snacks and promote the eating of mini-meals throughout the day. So check out the 3-ingredient recipes in the ShakeASnack app, then pack up that cooler and hit the road!

Follow ShakeASnack on Twitter